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  • Memory strategies 
  • Organizational strategies 
  • Concentration Strategies
  • Concentration chart 


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↬ Memory is the faculty of the mind by which information is encoded , stored ,  and retrieved .
↬ Memory also can be mean the ability to remember information , experiences and people .


Memory are divided into 3 types which are 

> Sensory Memory [ SM ] 
> Short Term Memory [ STM ] 
> Long-Term Memory [LTM ]

There are many people in this world especially students are wondering how to improve their memory . Why do we forget ? How do we learn ? Many students really don't understand how memory works .So , how to understand memory process ?

                Image result for memory strategies 

Learning about how we store and retrieve information will help you to understand why some study strategies work and others don't . This theory is called Information Processing Model . 

Image result for information processing model

What is Sensory Memory ( SM )

> Sensory Memory is a storage of temporary information brought about by 5 sense namely sense of taste , smell , touch , visualize and hear .

> Sensory Memory is temporary because if the information is not addressed , it will disappear . If given notice , it will be stored inside Short Term Memory ( STM ) 

What is Short Term Memory ( STM )

> Short Term Memory is information that received from Sensory Memory ( SM ) and stored within in short period of time . This happens because the load limit is limited . Half information if it is repeated it will be stored in Long-Term Memory ( LTM )

What is Long-Term Memory ( LTM )

> Long-Term Memory is a memory of something in the long run . Every information stored is permanent but depends on the person 's ability to recall the information .

What is Recall ?

> Recall is a weakness of recalling information stored in Long-Term Memory ( LTM ) is call forgetting . Those who are capable of recalling information are wise people . 

> Forget something is not a strange things today . It is because we can hear it at a lot of time especially from the students . The question is , why we often forget ?

> There are many reasons why we often forget , for example 

  • Did not pay attention to the information . 
  • Did not understand the information .
  • Cramming like study last minute .
  • Did not have a good strategies .
  • Interference 
  • Failure to store
  • Motivated to forgetting .
So, how we can improve our memory ? 


1 . Massed practice vs Spaced practice

Between Massed practice and Spaced practice , Spaced practice is more better than massed practice . It is because spaced practice involves space time over some period of time for studying . It is very recommended because taking breaks between learning sessions allow you to think and organize the info so that you can remember and understand something easily . 

But Massed practice is generally defined as practice that occurs without rest between trials . It is like involves studying all the materials at one time and students nowadays often use this way throughout their studies . It is actually not good because you do not have time to remember , understand it correctly  and organize the reading materials . 

2 . Rehearsal 

Rehearsal also have to improve our memory . For example , to memorize the number , you can repeat that number in many time . You can use this way to memorize a phone number .

3 . Elaboration strategies 

↦ Acronyms / Catchwords 

An acronyms is a word or a name formed as an abbreviation from the initial components in a phrase or a word . For example , NASA that stand for National Aeronautics and Space Administration . This way work to memorize word in such a creative way and also can memorize many word in one time .

↦ Imagery 

Try to visualize the image of the information needed .For example , Proper Finger Placement on Keyboard needed you to imagine where should the letter place in your finger .

Image result for proper finger placement

↦ Associations 

To associate or ' connect ' each word or event with a person , place , thing , picture , feeling or situation .

↦ Organizational Strategies 

Organizational is organize the materials to minimize the information so that we can remember it or understand it easily . For example , animals can be divided into 5 types which are mammals , reptiles , fish , insects and birds .

Image result for classifying animals

Another example , 

> Brain can be divide into 2 types , left and right .

Image result for otak kiri atau kanan

> Flower can be divide into 2 types , Non flowering and flowering

Image result for classifying flowers
